Hello, I'm Raeley!

I believe lactation support should be available to all

Hire me

Sleek Minimalist Flower



Embrace the journey of nursing ​with your little one, guided by a ​compassionate and dedicated ​IBCLC. Let me provide you and ​your little one with the care ​and support you both deserve.

An IBCLC is your ​breastfeeding expert

Instagram Outline Logo
Brutalist Style Flower
Breastfeeding Line Drawing.
Minimal Sleek Utilitarian Flower
Breast Cancer Boobs


Raeley here!

I am a wife - I married my best friend in 2018 and he is ​an OKC firefighter. We have two dogs and lots of ​chickens that keep us busy at home!

I am a mother. We recently had our first baby girl in 2023, ​Wrenley Joy! I struggled through oral restrictions and ​bottle refusal with my girl and it’s what led me to want to ​specialize in these areas in my lactation practice.

I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I started my ​journey at OU Children's and now run my private practice, Learn to Latch, in ​Edmond at Crossway Medical Center.

I’ll meet you where ​You’re at, literally!

Detailed Woman Discussing with Therapist
Medical Consultation Online
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

In​ person consult

We’ll arrange a time to meet at my ​office in Edmond if you live in the ​metr​o!

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

Virtual consult

I am happy to offer virtual ​appointments if you’re not in the met​ro area​!

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

Text support

You will have access to me by text ​after your initial v​isit for two weeks

Brutalist Style Flower

How ​can I ​help?

Flat Cutout Man Experiencing Chest Pains
Anatomical Silicone Nipple Cover
Nipple Oitment and Cream for Breast Color Icon Vector Illustration
Mother Pumping Her Breast Milk

Pain while Nursi​ng

Latching issues - nipple damage - wea​ning from nipple shie​ld


Flange sizing - pump schedule - ​returnin​g to work

Baby sticking out his tongue

Bottle Fe​eding

bottle choice - refusal - bottle​ preference - any bottle troubles​

Or​al restrictions

Oral assessment - pre/post revision ​suppo​rt

Breast Cancer Boobs

Br​east Issues

nipple damage - clogged ducts - ​mastiti​s

Woman Fears and Phobias, Anxiety and Despair, Pain

Supply Issu​es

Low suppy - ov​ersupply

Pr​enatal Education

preparing for your breastfeeding ​journ​ey - colostrum harvesting

Mom Breastfeeding Two Sons in Tandem

Tandem Fe​eding

multi​ples - toddlers

Mother Preparing Baby Food

Sta​rting solids

Breastfeeding and introducing solids ​- ​weaning and lactation suppression

woman taking pills
medical drug
Medical Professionals Performing a Surgery


what’s safe - surgery - scans - ​procedur​es

Pastel Purple Rectangle Blob

Client Testimonials


"Raeley was wonderful! I am a first time ​mom and I left the hospital feeling so ​confused because I chose to ​exclusively pump after a painful latch. ​The nurses in the hospital didn't care ​to explain pumping since I chose not to ​fed directly from the breast. Raeley ​came highly recommended through a ​co-worker and helped me create a ​pumping schedule, answered all of my ​questions about feeding in general, ​and measured me for the appropriate ​flange sizes since the nurses in the ​hospital told me "everyone is about a ​24". Raeley has continued to check up ​on me and answer any questions I ​have."


"Raeley went above and beyond ​to help us solve our ​breastfeeding struggles. She is ​thorough, caring, knowledgeable, ​and exceptional at what she ​does! I would highly recommend ​utilizing her if you are having any ​struggles at all. She will take care ​of you!"


"Raeley has been extremely helpful to ​me, both pre and postnatal. She did a ​prenatal consult and answered ​questions and gave me tips and advice, ​which I found to be very helpful. Once I ​was in the hospital and delivered, ​almost nothing went as we planned, ​due to my baby’s tongue tie and ​difficulty latching, as well as issues with ​my milk coming in from a previous ​breast reduction. Once I got home, she ​came for a visit and helped ​troubleshoot issues and asked me what ​I wanted to do moving forward. She ​never pressured me into anything and ​helped me achieve my personal ​breastfeeding goals. I am very thankful ​for her assistance and guidance as a ​first time mom!"

Bold Schematic Polygonal Okay Gesture Sticker

Let's talk!

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Pin Location Icon Illustration

Location: Crossway Medical Center

609 W Memorial Rd

Schedule Button
Schedule Text Sticker